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Tildarg Primary School, Ballyclare

News / Events

2018/2019 School Year

30th May 2019
A big well done to all our award winners this month. A few special awards were also...
22nd May 2019
On Tuesday 21st May we held out sports day at Hollinger Park. A big thank you to...
7th May 2019
A big well done to Hannah Milliken who took part in the Eason Spelling Bee Competition,...
3rd May 2019
The end has come, but the children and staff had a fantastic time. The instructors...
2nd May 2019
It was a beautiful night in Newcastle. A lovely walk along the promenade and a visit...
2nd May 2019
The children have been doing lots more activities including: archery, blindtrail,...
1st May 2019
The children had a busy, but fun day doing Archery, a Blind Trail, Abseiling and...
1st May 2019
The kids are really enjoying their activities and are working so well together. 
1st May 2019
We have all arrived safe and sound, beds made and having free time until lunch.